> dermatosis papulosa nigra
Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra
What is Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra?
Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra (DPN) is a common condition consisting of one or many small dark papular skin lesions, on the face and upper body which appear on darker skin types. Morgan Freeman, the famous actor has many facial DPN's and they are almost his trademark. Considered attractive by many, others seek their removal. Electrolysis is a safe, effective, quick and affordable method of treatment.
The cause of Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra is likely to be genetically determined

The tip of a small probe (about the size of an eyelash) is used to remove the Dermatosis Paoulosa Nigra, a small burst of energy is expelled and a small stinging sensation experienced.
Following your treatment you may experience the following:
- A slight reddening and/or swelling of the skin in the area.
- Warmth in the area that has been treated.
- The skin may itch as the healing process takes place.
- Tiny crusts or scabs may appear which will eventually fall away naturally.
Following treatment ensure you follow the aftercare advice to avoid unwanted reactions or infections:
- Do not touch the treated area and do not, under any circumstances remove any crusts or scabs that may appear.
Apply aftercare product regularly, with fresh,
clean cotton wool, until the area has completely healed.
Aftercare products recommended use is: Sterex
Witch Hazel Gel for 24-48 hours, followed by 28 days of the Sterex Aloe
Vera Gel. Apply twice a day or as often as required under usual day/night
cream. Apres Clear can be substituted for the Witch Hazel Gel and offers
additional anti bacterial properties.
Avoid swimming, saunas, steam rooms, facial
steaming, facial scrubs, waxing and other beauty treatments until the area
has completely healed.
- Avoid U.V. exposure during the healing process. The area treated and any areas showing a predisposition to Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra should be protected by sunscreen at all times particularly in the summer months.
Avoid using any possible skin sensitizers or
irritants such as perfumes, fake tan products or perfumed body lotions.
Should you have any concerns regarding your
treatment please contact the Clinic.