Age Spots
What are Age Spots?
Electrolysis is a safe, effective, quick and affordable method of treating age spots, or liver spots. Age spots are flat pigmented blemishes that occur on the skin. They range in colour from light brown to darker brown and are located in areas most often exposed to the sun, particularly the hands, face, shoulders, arms and forehead. They are harmless but considered cosmetically unattractive. If itchy, irritated or inflamed with any redness or pink colour around them, GP referral is recommended.
Age spots are associated with the natural ageing process and exposure to U.V. light.

A small probe about the size of an eyelash, will touch the surface of the skin, a slight stinging sensation may be experienced whilst a minute section of the blemished skin is lifted and the skin colour underneath observed. If healthy pink undamaged and non pigmented skin is revealed treatment will continue in the same vein until complete removal of the blemish is achieved. However if the pigment continues down into the dermis, treatment is aborted as results would be unsuccessful. Following treatment an exact match in colour to the surrounding skin cannot be guaranteed.
Following your treatment you may experience:
- Slight reddening and/or swelling of the skin in the area.
- Warmth in the area that has been treated.
- Only the fine transparent pigmented section under the skin will be removed and a scab will form.
- The area treated will look worse before it gets better.
- An itchy feeling will be experienced as the skin heals.
It can take several weeks before the fading and equalization of colour is complete and the final results are apparent.
Following treatment ensure you follow the aftercare advice to avoid unwanted reactions or infections:
- Do
not touch the treated area and do not, under any circumstances remove the scabs
which will appear. If they are picked off this will result in scarring.
Apply aftercare product regularly, with fresh,
clean cotton wool, until the area has completely healed.
Aftercare products recommended use is: Sterex
Witch Hazel Gel for 24-48 hours, followed by 28 days of the Sterex Aloe
Vera Gel. Apply twice a day or as often as required under usual day/night
cream. Apres Clear can be substituted for the Witch Hazel Gel and offers
additional anti bacterial properties.
- The treatment area can be washed or cleansed,
using a gentle soap free/perfume free cleanser. Gently pat the area dry to
avoid the lifting of any scabbing.
- No swimming, saunas, steam rooms, facial
steaming, facial scrubs, waxing and other beauty treatments until the area
has completely healed.
- The area treated and any areas showing predisposition to Age spots should be protected by sunscreen at all times particularly in the summer months.
Avoid using any possible skin sensitizers or
irritants such as perfumes, fake tan products or perfumed body lotions.
Should you have any concerns regarding your
treatment please contact the Clinic.