Posted: Monday, 16 November 2020 @ 12:56
DermaNu Clinic Christmas Advent Calendar

Click here for Advent Calendar
Tis the season to be jolly and boy don't we all deserve it!
So this year we have decided to create our very own advent calendar to reward you all as our lovey loyal clients, who have supported us throughout the struggles of 2020, we wish to thank you and ask you to celebrate Christmas with us this year.
Whether you wish to treat yourself this year or someone you care about, there are plenty of goodies inside our Advent calendar to suit both male and female if you wish to use it as a gift.
For each day of December a new offer will be revealed at midnight and will stay visible for 7 days, giving you plenty of time to book your treatment of choice.
To Book
You can use our online booking system to book your treatment stating which calendar treatment you would like to book, i.e. Advent 1 or Advent 2 etc.
Alternatively you can call us on 01788 569611 or pop in and one of our friendly members of the team will happily assist you in booking.
Once you have booked your Advent choice all you will need to do is turn up and be prepared to be pampered, being greeted with a complimentary glass of champagne and chocolate on arrival.
Terms & Conditions
* Not in conjunction with any other offers.
* Must be booked and paid within 7 days.
* Can be redeemed throughout January but must be pre paid.
* Can be used for personal use or as a gift.
Cheers to a very Merry December!
With all our love
DermaNu Clinic
Click here for Advent Calendar